Lily Wilson
Creating a Positive Start for All
We all know it’s important to start the year as you mean to go on. The behaviour you permit on the first day sets the tone for the rest of the year. Does this mean that we can’t smile until Christmas? We’re not so sure about that…
We have 5 top tips for starting the year in a positive way and setting your students up for success so they can be empowered to make the best behaviour choices. Don’t forget to like, share and comment on our post with your own top tips for starting the new year in a positive way!
Here's what you can do
Start with a clean slate
No matter what you’ve been told about your class or the individuals in it, do not make any pre-judgements. Give them all a clean slate so they can truly start fresh and choose who they’re going to be this year.
Create a sense of ownership and responsibility
Create a sense of ownership and responsibility
Give children who struggle in the classroom environment the opportunity to help out in the first week. This gives them the chance to receive lots of praise from day one, thereby giving them a really positive start to the year.
End on a high
The end of the day will have a huge impact on how the children reflect on the first day back; make sure it’s as calm and positive as it was at the start. Leave enough time to pack up so you’re not rushed and take a moment to allow students to share their best bits from the day.
You can never praise too much. And remember, it’s not just great behaviour and correct answers that deserve praise: those who try their best and are brave enough to make mistakes, or who recognise their behaviour mistakes and take responsibility for them, deserve praise too.
Be empathetic
Consider what it’s like to be the child who’s always in trouble. How might they be feeling about the start of the new year? How can you show them the kindness and empathy they need to be able to make a change and write a new story for themselves this year?
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