Black History Month is a really exciting time of year when we can celebrate and shine a light on the rich history and culture of Black people, in the UK and around the world, that may have previously been hidden. With so many conversations about and action towards decolonising the curriculum taking place in recent years, some might question why we still celebrate Black History Month…
Shouldn’t Black History have been recognised and repositioned by now as history, and given the space it deserves- nay requires- for the curriculum to be a true reflection of history? Of course! But this doesn’t have to mean that we can’t also dedicate time in our curriculum during the month of October to focus specifically on celebrating and learning about black history and culture that, for so many years, was side-lined, ignored and re-written.
As teachers, we’re constantly being pulled in multiple directions with our attention having to go to multiple different tasks, all of equal importance, all at once. As such, it can be easy to fall into the trap of focusing on more well-known significant individuals and events from Black history, since they are what we’re most familiar with, the most confident in teaching about, and can be the most efficient to resource.
Here at Prospero Learning, we want to help you go beyond the stereotypes and expose your students to the lesser learned about individuals and events from Black British history. We have complied a list of exciting people, events and subjects that you could teach about during the month of October, as well as some resources and ideas of how to teach these across the curriculum. They’ll also be great all year round for when you’re looking to add in a new perspective to a unit or subject that you already teach.
Notting Hill Carnival
British Civil Rights Movement
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