Using Scaffolding to promote learner independence for Teachers

  • Level: Advanced
  • Duration: 1.5 hours
  • Video Time: 1 hour
  • Learners: 150+
Equip yourself with an understanding of the theory behind Scaffolding.

Learn how to use Scaffolding as a strategy to support students and encourage them to become independent learners.
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The CPD Certification Service accreditation for this course means that the course content is high-quality, relevant and modern.

This course has passed rigorous checks to ensure that once completed, Users can be confident that what they have learned on this course is effective and relevant for their professional role. 

Who is this online course for?

  • Teachers
  • SEND Teachers
  • Supply Teachers
  • Tutors
Scaffolding learning is important because it creates an environment where students are encouraged to be more independent in their learning, and to not constantly look to the Teacher for answers and instruction. By encouraging students to take responsibility for their learning, you create more resilient, independent students who will be able to apply this in all areas of their learning, now and in the future.

This training course provides a thorough understanding of Scaffolding as well as the actions and strategies to use in learning environments - specifically for Teachers.    

Key Scaffolding for Teachers learning objectives

  • What is Scaffolding?

  • Stages of Scaffolding

  • Working with support staff

  • Benefits of Scaffolding

  • Implementing Scaffolding

  • Strategies

Scaffolding for Teachers course content breakdown