Supporting Children with Autism in Schools

  • Level: Intermediate
  • Duration:  1.5 hours 
  • Video Time:  60 minutes
  • Learners: 400+
In this online training course you will learn about what Autism is and how you can support the unique needs of service users who have Autism.

You will learn about Autism in school and classroom settings in particular, and how you can successfully support students with Autism in these environments. 
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The CPD Certification Service accreditation for this course means that the course content is
high-quality, relevant and modern.

This course has passed rigorous checks to ensure that once completed, Users can be confident that what they have learned on this course is effective and relevant for their professional role. After completion, Users have the confidence to deploy their new knowledge and skills to support children and young adults with Autism.

Who is this online course for?

  • Teachers
  • Teaching Assistants
  • SEND Teachers
  • Supply Teachers
  • Support Staff
  • Tutors
  • SENCOs
Children and young adults with Autism all have unique needs and require bespoke support to enable them to learn successfully. It's important that all education professionals who work with service users have the skills and strategies to effectively manage and support them.

Specific learning tasks and activities should be set up for students with Autism and the learning should be adaptable for these students depending on their needs. This course provides the skills and tools to do this. 

This online, accredited training course will refresh and renew your knowledge of Autism and provide modern strategies to help you support the service users in your school, classroom or any other learning setting.

This course is recommended for Support Staff who directly work day to day with students with Autism, but also to any educational professional who has contact with a student with Autism.

Key Supporting Autism learning objectives

  • What is Autism?

  • The unique needs of service users

  • How people with Autism experience the world

  • How Autism effects learning

  • Strategies to use for support

  • Autism in learning environments

Expert articles

Supporting Autism course content breakdown