Supporting Children with ADHD in the classroom

  • Level: Intermediate
  • Duration:  2 hours 
  • Video Time:  60 minutes
  • Learners: 50+
ADHD affects around 3-5% of children in the U.K. It's critical that educators are able to respond to, understand, and support students with ADHD in the learning settings they work in.

This course provides fundamental knowledge and analysis on ADHD, the differences in how it presents itself in students, and strategies to use to ensure students with ADHD are properly supported in their learning.
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The CPD Certification Service accreditation for this course means that the course content is
high-quality, relevant and modern.

This course has passed rigorous checks to ensure that once completed, Users can use what they have learned on this course in their professional role. Users can immediately deploy their new knowledge and skills to support children and young adults with ADHD in their professional role. 

Who is this online course for?

  • Teachers
  • Teaching Assistants
  • SEND Teachers
  • Supply Teachers
  • Support Staff
  • Tutors
  • SENCOs
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent neurodevelopmental condition affecting millions of children globally. For educators, understanding ADHD is crucial for fostering inclusive and effective learning environments.

ADHD impacts a student's ability to focus, organise, and regulate emotions. When not supported fully, students with ADHD can also have a detrimental impact on the rest of the learners in the classroom. Educators being able to proactively and reactively respond to ADHD in the classroom allows every students to learn more successfully.

Written by Education Experts, this accredited online training course offers Teachers, Teaching Assistants, and Support Staff necessary knowledge and practical skills to support students with ADHD. You'll learn methods to promote positive behavior management, effective communication techniques, and collaboration strategies with parents and other educators.

Key Supporting ADHD Course Content

  • What is ADHD?

  • How does ADHD impact learners and learning

  • Challenging behaviours around ADHD

  • Effectively supporting student success

  • Academic and behavioural strategies 

  • ADHD in different learning environments

Expert Articles

Supporting ADHD course content breakdown